
Casiro Resources is an Information and communication Technology Consulting firm. We view core technologies as being the technology that runs your business. Anything from your print servers to your internal applications and databases can be provided and managed by us.

In a global economy, where your business is not only competing against your local rivals, and national competitors but also with international companies and small foreign concerns, corporate image and communication with your customers, both current and potential is important. Your reputation is hard earned, but of limited utility if it is not communicated to your customers effectively.

Design Services

Corporate Image and Web Presence…
We offer comprehensive branding and marketing support as well as web design and external web application development.
We offer you the capabilities and benefits of human capital development and procurement. We may be able to help you by providing advice on how to make your company’s online presence match your customers’ expectations, and how to ensure that your message gets to the right audience.

Software Development

Casiro resources provides you with customizable and comprehensive softwares that bring organization  and effectiveness to the full range of Human Resource functions and responsibilities. Our softwares provide easy, accurate and timely retrieval of employee and activity-oriented information through menu-driven, user-friendly operations and interactive user interface.

General Technology Advice

We are available to anyone for simple and direct technology advice and general consultancy. If you have a query regarding a project that your business is embarking on, or indeed a project in progress, we can provide an impartial channel of information and advice. We can help you by getting quotes for services or hardware on your behalf. We are also able to provide consultants that operate within your organization with ongoing support and advice in specific areas.
In certain circumstances and where it is appropriate we may also be able to help you find resolutions to technology related disputes with your suppliers.

Technical Support

We can provide technical support for your business whether you are using IT products supplied by us or not.

Management Information Systems(MIS)

A management information system (MIS) provides information needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. At Casiro Resources, we provide organizations with and manage management information systems that can be used by both the public and private sectors to manage resources like people, technology and information.

Other Services We Render:

ICT security

Information Security

Communications Middleware

Network management

Mobile App Development

ICT Outsourcing services